Adventure Time Opening Title Sequence by Cartoon Network
The opening sequence for the Cartoon Network show Adventure Time features an entire virtual tour of the shows landscape and main characters and villains, all in a matter of 25 seconds. This is achieved by the overlapping of different images which are then zoomed in upon and zoomed past, giving an illusion of depth to the otherwise two dimensional world. The camera follows a flow pattern throughout the landscape and provides the viewer a first person perspective throughout the sequence. This gives the viewer the feeling that they are flying throughout the land of "Ooo" and gives a sense of scale as to how big this imaginary 2D world would be if it were real.
The sequence begins with the camera view coming out of a cave, then zooming past several different places including a junkyard, mountains, and a castle. Each next destination is seen in the background of the previous one, which keeps the motion flowing. The sequence ends with the camera zooming into the window of a tree house to revels the shows main heroes inside. This gives you a feel for the depth and size of the 2D world that the characters live in and travel across in the show.
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